The parasites in the human body: symptoms and treatment

Most people do not stop to think about what is inside your body that the person lives. This is parasites. Someone believes that once in his house, not of animals, but he washes the hands after each exit to the street, the risk of invasion is minimal. It is not so. According to the medical statistics, the parasites in the human body are present in almost 50% of the cases. Worms, for example, are the oldest beings, the parasites in the human body. They are so adapted to life within the people, that, many times, their presence is not manifest, and the media it seems that the infection is asymptomatic.

In fact, the symptoms always exist, and it is important to discern the signs. Today we will see what symptoms indicate the presence of infection, what are the measures to be taken for the prevention of infestations, and what is the treatment can be directed against the parasite, if they are detected.

the parasites in the human body

The symptoms of infection by parasites

The biggest problem in terms of identification of parasites in the body – versatility symptomatology, able to confuse the person, but and the doctor, to which the patient sought advice. Depending on the type, location and life cycle of different parasites are manifested. Sometimes the person doesn't realize most of the symptoms, stopping the attention only on a (for example, pain in the lung). In the result of the patient deal with impairments disease, if he appeared, if not send home for lack of clinical.

Therefore, it is important to see the picture of your overall health, observing the complex changes in the state. Medicine highlights the more than a dozen signs pointing to the infestation of pests. Consider these symptoms in the form of a table.

Which indicates the presence of parasites in the body?

The symptom What occurs in the body?
Allergic reactions If the person suddenly begins to suffer the symptoms of allergy, it is worth testing for the presence of parasites. The fact is that the allocation of pest-toxic, and the body's immune system can react with the direction of a greater amount of protective cells, in turn, cause irritation and allergy.
Joint and muscle pain The parasites are able to live in the connective tissues, fluid of the joints, muscles. Of derivation, which cause pain, which many attributed to arthritis, injuries or stretching. In fact, muscle pain and joints may indicate inflammation, arose due to a life of parasites.
Anemia Protozoa that live in the bloodstream of a person, feed on the cells of the blood and blood are able to cause significant loss. Also cause anemia, parasites, exhaust nutrients from the intestine of the host, including iron.
Headache The Regular headache, dizziness, bouts of nausea, all point to the intoxication of the body due to parasitic infestation.
Free reduction/increase in weight The lack of weight occurs because of the domestic consumers of food, who feed the same, and the man. The increase in weight associated with the that the front body receives less nutrients, the man is constantly experiencing jumps in blood sugar and feel hungry.
Sleep disorders Wake up frequent, nervous and sensitive sleep often linked to parasites infection. The liver tries to purify toxic substances, allocated from pests, and, typically, your activity has the profound night. A man can also disturb the itching in the anus, not giving to sleep.
Bruxism (gnashing of the teeth during sleep) The gnashing of teeth – one of the symptoms of pest infestation, particularly common in children. It is believed that that is how the nerve endings react to intoxication and inflammation.
Itching in the area of the anus Helminths often show itchy asshole, especially often this symptom is common in children.
The violation of the chair Constipation or diarrhea possible symptoms that indicate the presence of parasites that live in the intestine. Constipation due to the fact that abundant infestation leads to intestinal obstruction of the duct, diarrhea.
The irritation of the intestine If you have an inflammation of the wall of the body, the parasites cause cider irritable bowel syndrome. This process impairs the absorption of nutrients, and also prevents the absorption of fats in the right department, which is full of spasms and contributes to pain.
Swelling Flatulence, feeling full, bloated belly bright is a sign of the presence in the body of parasites. Pay attention to this symptom, you must if gases happen regardless of food intake.
Skin problems Hives, acne, eczema, dermatitis and other rashes in the skin – a sign that the body infected with parasites. The results of his life had a negative impact on the digestive system, which, in turn, "translates" and in skin-to-skin.
Disorders of the nervous system Increased irritability, nervousness, depression and a sense of discouragement can be symptoms of the invasion. The systematic poisoning of the body with disorders of the nervous system, especially this indicator is relevant for children. Unexplained crying, fantasies and fears can have a very "physics" of soil.
Chronic fatigue Apathy, drowsiness and lack of willingness to carry out even minimal physical activity – "hello" of the organism, that suffers from poisoning and nutrient deficiency, which steal the parasites.
Decreased immunity Frequent viral and bacterial diseases, disturbances of the microbiota, colds and infections – the symptoms of invasion. Parasites weaken the immune system, reducing the production of immunoglobulin.
General disorders-being, pain in various organs Depending on the location, the parasites may interfere negatively in the functioning of any organ: the lung, the heart, the brain, the liver or the pancreas.
The development of tumors and formations These signs and symptoms, especially together, can lead to the emergence of a variety of malignancies, including cancer. Tired of the pest organism is not capable of dealing with your growth.
the diagnosis of parasites

These symptoms rarely occur in a moment, for this to occur, parasitic infestation should be very strong. And here are the combinations of three or four signs happen everywhere. Here is a specific example of infections:

  1. The roundworm – intestinal pain, disorders of the chair, dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.
  2. Pinworms – burning sensation and itching around the anal opening, diarrhea, bloating, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, bouts of headache.
  3. Lantecy – weight reduction, allergic reactions, violation of immunity, diseases of the intestine.

The diagnosis of parasites

If the man found out, for themselves or for their loved ones, some of the above symptoms, it is advisable to go for a diagnosis, to be sure to reveal the parasites in the body. To do this, you can consult the family doctor (or the pediatrician, when it comes to children), to obtain the corresponding destination. As a general rule, the police of the district signs the direction in which blood tests, saliva and stool.

Modern medicine also offers immunological research on the parasitic infestation, and also integrated tests that detect a specific group of parasites. Unfortunately, these complex examinations are paid and spend in private clinics. But the results obtained point exactly to the specific type of pests, allowing you to assign the appropriate treatment.

There is no cure, it is equally effective, acting on all the groups of parasites. Also, when the appointment of the medicine is need to consider the stage of development of the pest, as well as drugs that act on the eggs, they can injure adults. So, start the therapy needs when in hands as there are x-ray exams. Typically, doctors use various types of drugs, which we describe below.

The treatment of infestations parasitic diseases

Anti-parasitic drugs in existence today, have a range of steps, that is, covering several types infest the body of human beings. However, as noted above, every medicine has a specific activity, and is awarded after you have performed the diagnosis. However, in the medical arsenal, in the case of an infection by parasites are about a dozen tools (and their analogues), which are defined as safe and effective.

The first group of medications is applicable when it is detected in the body roundworms, tapeworms, helminths. Prescription drugs, if the person is infected with such parasites, such as pinworms, roundworm, trichuris, Trichinella, and the like.

The second group of drugs have efficacy against worms of the tape, cestóides, tapeworms. These include a wide lentetsa, trematodes, dwarf, and pork tapeworm – these parasites are the most common.

It is worth to understand that, in the case of contamination from parasites of a family member, with a probability of 99% remaining households are also carriers of these harmful organisms. Respectively, pass diagnosis and treatment we recommend for the whole family. The same applies to small groups of people, as well fighting with each other (kindergarten, for example).

Popular methods of elimination of parasites

popular methods of treatment

The treatment of parasites, essentially, is complicated by the fact that, in the process of life, they are constantly reproducing, thus, in the body of a person at the same time are found, and the eggs and the larvae and the adults. Acquisition of pharmaceutical products, is generally single, with the repetition of 10-14 days, to bring the body of the individual, have developed to grow by this time. It is also a good option is the helper, the therapy, able to support the medical treatment conventional.

Introduction to the treatment of parasites in animals of different shapes, discuss this with your doctor. Not all revenues are equally safe, depending on the age and state of health of a patient, they may not be appropriate.

We offer a series of short stories, recipes, proven over the years and having the largest number of positive comments from people who declared to be free of parasites as well.

Liquor absinthe. A tablespoon of chopped artemisia dry primed 100 ml of alcohol, and two weeks insist in a cool and dark place. then, the liquid is filtered and use three times a day 20 drops before meals.

The carving of the pumpkin seed. Without salt fresh, peeled pumpkin seeds (300 grams) ground in a coffee mill and then combine with honey and water (1:1). The mixture need to eat in fasting, after more than three hours, you can't eat, and then you need to take a laxative. The fact is that pumpkin seeds contain a special ingredient, which paralyzes the pest and temporarily consume they have the ability to adhere to the walls of the organ.

The tendency of the dye. It is preferable to use the fungus or white mushrooms, because they contain a substance that kills and adult worms and larvae. A handful of fresh mushrooms pour a glass of vodka and insist two weeks, and then the liquid is filtered and drink a teaspoon before going to sleep. It is clear that this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

The bark of pomegranate. 50 grams of the fresh bark of the pomegranate, pour two cups of boiling water and boiled in low heat until the pores, until the liquid reduce in volume by half. After the infusion of drink a sip, after half an hour, take a laxative. Within four hours, to abstain from food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended that cleaning enema.

Broth of cloves. Dry clove crushed even to the dust, a teaspoon of which pour a glass of boiling water and heat the water bath for more than a minute, and then served in the form of cover and insist half an hour. Take the broth just fresh, a teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before a meal.

The elimination of parasites, and folk methods will be much more efficient, if acting in the complex. First of all, you must seem to the doctor, go for tests and their results. After you taken pharmaceutical drugs, do so strictly according to the prescribed schema. Pre-discuss with your doctor your desire to take advantage of folk recipes and set the best option. The last step is the great reaction of the cure is prevention. About it we will talk about the following.

Prevention of infestations

The main role in the preventive maintenance designed to reduce the risks of invasion, takes the free. Even the adults, who is well aware of the need to comply with the rules of hygiene, many times this is overlooked. However, the doctors insist that regular preventive measures able to reduce by half the risk of pest infestation. Hygiene standards, a must for children and adults, relate to:

  1. Careful hand washing with soap and water (after each ward in the street, contact with animals).
  2. Treatment of the hands antiseptic shower gel or cleaning cloth.
  3. Change daily underwear (pre-he needs to caress a hot iron).
  4. A weekly change of linens laundry service in hot water).
prevention of parasites

The child needs to learn not to lead to the mouth on dirty hands, do not share meals with their peers, biting each other. The child has to explain the danger of falling inside of the body from dirt, bacteria, and parasites. Especially carefully washing the hands after work with the earth, the air free.

As a daily prevention of parasites, may be administered with food, sharp spices and condiments – most of the pests they do not tolerate. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic when cooking the pepper, the cloves, the horseradish.

In short

Regular prevention, as well as the attention to the most insignificant signs of pest infestation – simple rules, which protect the entire family away from problems. For personal hygiene, preparation of food, as well as the supervision of children and animals should be treated with maximum responsibility. Take care of your health!